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Learning Targets

The learning targets are categorised into three domains: knowledge andunderstanding, skills and processes, and values and attitudes.


Knowledge and Understanding

Enable students to understand phenomena, facts and patterns, principles, concepts, laws and theories in chemistry; learn chemical vocabulary, terminology and conventions; appreciate applications of chemistry in everyday life; understand methods used in scientific investigations.


Skills and Processes

Enable students to:

  1. use Scientific thinking to identify patterns and changes in the natural world, and predict trends from them; examine theories and concepts using logical reasoning and experimentation; integrate new concepts into their existing knowledge framework, and apply them to new situations.

  2. use Scientific method, scientific investigations and problem solving ability to identify scientific, social, technological and environmental problems and ask relevant questions.

  3. use Decision making to make decisions based on evidence and arguments; supportjudgements using appropriate scientific principles; put forward suitable reasoning to choose between alternatives.

  4. use Practical work to select appropriate apparatus and materials for an experiment; handle chemicals safely and apparatus in a proper way; carry out instructions for experiments and record observations accurately; interpret observations and experimental data; devise and plan experiments; evaluate experimental methods and suggest possible improvements; build models to aid comprehension.

  5. use Information handling to search, retrieve, reorganise, analyse and interpret scientific information from a variety of sources.

  6. use symbols, formulae, equations and conventions appropriately; interpret scientific information from text and data presented in verbal, diagrammatic, numerical, tabular and graphical forms; organise and present ideas and arguments in a clear and logical form. 

  7. develop study and self-directed learning skills to improve the effectiveness andefficiency of learning; develop basic learning habits, abilities and attitudes that are essential to lifelong learning.


Values and Attitudes

Enable students to develop curiosity and interest in making scientific investigation; develop personal integrity through objective observation and honest recording of experimental data; be aware that chemistry is a developing science and that it has its limitations; be aware of the impact of chemistry in social, economic, industrial, environmental and technological contexts; appreciate the importance of lifelong learning in our rapidly changing knowledge-based society.

Panel Head

Ms. Lo Hiu Suet


Ms. Tang Yan Yee

Laboratory Technician

Mr. Leung lu Wing

Miss Lam Ka Lee

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