Learning objectives for students
1. Attitude
- To develop students’ interest in Biology as well as respect in all lives and the nature.
- To nurture students to be bold and observant learners with the mentality to frame scientific questions and investigate questions experimentally.
2. Knowledge
- To foster students’ understanding of the nature of science.
- To help students establish clear conceptual knowledge of biology.
3. Skills
- To facilitate students in learning biology terms so that they can exchange views on biological issues.
- To cultivate the spirit of scientific inquiry, scientific thinking, critical thinking skills and creativity in students.
Activities of This Year
Investigating the factors affecting the growth rate of Black soldier fly larvae
A Study in Bacterial Community on School Campus
Ecological Field Studies
Dissection Workshop
STEM Workshop - Forensic Science
Visiting laboratories in local Universities
探究黑水虻幼蟲生長 | 2. 校園細菌大搜查 A Study in Bacterial Community on School Campus. JPG | 3a. 生態考察 Ecological Field Studies |
4. 解剖工作坊 Dissection Workshop | 5. 鑑證科學STEM工作坊 STEM Workshop - Forensic Science | 6. 參觀 Visiting Universities |